Previous Blog Posts

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Entering the Server Virtualization Zone

Server virtualization is becoming more and more practical for smaller companies than ever.  As companies reach the 8-10 server realm and have gaps in their business continuity process, virtualization offers a variety of easy-to-access, high-return benefits.

A couple of clients DLP is currently engaging help tell the story.  Both of these companies have aging server hardware and recognize a need to make their next step in updating their data centers one that will deliver optimal returns over the long haul.  Both have approximately 65 PC users and 8 and 11 servers respectively.

The first of these is a family owned and managed company in the retail home products market.  They have tended to view information technology as an expense more so than as an investment which they're trying to optimize.  As a result they've held on to all of their technology assets too long, from servers to a flat-file database application that runs their entire business process (from customer order to post-sale customer service).

Thursday, June 3, 2010

iSCSI vs Fibre Channel

When does it make sense to get rid of that Fibre Channel Infrastructure?  I'd love to hear from you, whether experience, opinion or whatever.

The Ant and the Small VAR/Integrator

Why is it that certain client organizations will only work with large VAR/Integrators? What is it they expect to gain over the smaller guys - better pricing, better customer service, or better technical support?

I’ve worked in sales for more small than large IT solution providers, and I’ve at no point ever been kicked out of a client company because we simply weren’t large enough. Oh I’ve been denied entry to larger companies plenty of times when with the smaller integrator, but that’s when I shake my head in disbelief. Don’t those larger companies understand how much a smaller VAR/Integrator is like an ant?

Sure! We “ants” are working ridiculously hard and long hours on behalf of our clients. In EVERY aspect of our business, from sales to pre-sales technical support, to post-sales project implementation to on-going support to finance and even payroll/HR, we’re working heads down.